Looking for a New Year’s resolution? Apply to join a CREA committee

January 1, 2020, marks not only a new year and is the perfect time to set new goals! My fellow Directors on the CREA Board and I have a challenge for all our members this holiday season. We challenge you to commit to getting more involved with the REALTOR® community in 2020. It can be at the local, provincial or national level or, even better, all of the above! There are great opportunities available that will help you to grow professionally while giving back to the industry you love. I can tell you from personal experience that you won’t regret it!

Here at CREA, we are currently calling for applications from REALTORS® to serve as volunteers on our 11 board and operational committees, starting in the spring. These committees act as resources to our Board and CEO on important topics such as CREA’s governance and finances, our federal affairs initiatives, our national ad campaign and more.

Our Board understands the importance of bringing diverse backgrounds and experiences to our committee tables. We want the composition of our committees and our Board to reflect the wonderful diversity of our membership. That’s why we’re putting out a call to all REALTORS® across Canada.

If I’ve piqued your interest, please read on for further information about the committee appointment process and volunteer commitment.

Why should I serve on a committee?

CREA committee members get to put their unique perspectives, expertise and talent to good use by contributing to the work of our national association on behalf of their fellow REALTORS®. They gain valuable national experience that can come in handy if they choose to seek further leadership roles in the future.

As a REALTOR®, you’re likely a “people person,” so a great selling feature of serving on a national committee is that you’ll make industry contacts and true friends from across the country.

How do I apply to join a CREA committee?
Please click here to complete our online application form to express your interest and tell us why you’d be a valuable addition to the committee(s) of your choice. Applications must be submitted by February 1, 2020, in order to be considered.

What CREA committees have positions available for REALTORS®?

Opportunities for REALTORS®—as well as staff representatives from boards and associations across Canada—are available on the following CREA committees on an annual basis:

  • Association Executives Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Broker/Manager Committee
  • Federal Affairs Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Global Committee
  • Governance and Bylaws Committee
  • National Ad Campaign Committee
  • REALTORS Care® Committee
  • REALTOR® Code Committee
  • Technology Committee

For more information on the mandates and responsibilities of these committees, click here to access their Terms of Reference. (Please note: You will be required to log in to REALTOR Link® to access this document. Please contact your local Board for username or password assistance, if necessary.)

How many committees may I apply for?

You may apply to join up to two board committees and two operational committees.

How long are committee terms?

Committee terms are typically one year long. Committee members may apply to rejoin their committee for subsequent years.

Do committees meet via conference call or in person and how often?

Most of CREA’s committees meet in person at least once a year, usually (but not always) at CREA headquarters in Ottawa. Committees may conduct conference calls or webinar meetings in addition to their face-to-face meetings, if called for by their Chairs. Committee members are reimbursed for travel expenses incurred as a result of committee meetings, in accordance with CREA’s policies and practices.

What are the required qualifications for committee members?

For many positions, the only requirement is that committee members must be REALTORS® in good standing with CREA. Other positions are open to staff of member Boards and Associations. All appointed committee members must also complete Leadership 100—a free, online course available 24/7 that should take no more than two hours to complete—prior to their first committee meeting.

How will I know if I have been selected or not?

Once you’ve submitted your application, you will receive an email confirmation to let you know it’s been received. Once the committees have been appointed in May 2020, all applicants will be informed whether their application was successful or not. There are a limited number of committee positions available each year, so please do not be discouraged if you are not selected this time around and please do try again next year.

Further questions?

If you have any questions that aren’t addressed above, please reach out via info@crea.ca or the Comments section below.

Wishing you the best of success in 2020.

Costa Poulopoulos has been a REALTOR® for more than 28 years and has served as President of the London-St. Thomas Association of REALTORS® and Chair of CREA. In addition, he has been on a variety of LSTAR and CREA committees, Task Forces and Advisory Groups. In 2014, Costa served as President of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) and was OREA Western Area Director for 2007 and 2008. Costa is also a Past President of the Marketing Division of LSTAR. He has been awarded twice with the outstanding achievement award for his contribution to the real estate profession in south western Ontario and to his local real estate association in 2000 and 2008. Costa speaks three languages and his creative marketing ideas and materials are often used in real estate training classes.

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